From revolving door to open-plan office: report launch and discussion on arms industry influence

CAAT launches its new report, "From revolving door to open-plan office: the ever-closer union between the UK government and the arms industry" with a hybrid panel event on Wednesday 18th September at 7pm, in London and online.

CAAT and World Peace Foundation will be launching a new report on the influence of the UK arms industry on government on Wednesday 18th September, 19:00-20:30, with a hybrid panel discussion, in Whitechapel, London, and online.

The report, by CAAT’s Research Coordinator Dr. Sam Perlo-Freeman, is entitled “From revolving door to open-plan office: the ever-closer union between the UK government and the arms industry”. It details the various channels of influence the arms industry is able to bring to bear on government, such as the revolving door, lobbying meetings with ministers and senior officials, and dedicated government-industry forums, and details how, over the past few decades, the arms industry has been drawn into such a close relationship with government as to blur or even erase the boundaries between the two. This ensures top arms companies a guaranteed stream of lucrative MOD contracts, despite persistent failures in delivery, and a highly permissive arms export regime, allowing sales to continue to Saudi Arabia and Israel in spite of the horrific human cost.

The launch will take place at 4th Floor Studios, 255-259 Commercial Road, Whitechapel, E1 2BT, and online via Zoom webinar. Registration (details below) is required for both in-person and online attendance.

The venue is fully wheelchair-accessible.

The event will involve a presentation and panel discussion, followed by Q&A. The speakers are:

  • Dr. Sam Perlo-Freeman, Research Coordinator, Campaign Against Arms Trade (report author)
  • Andrew Feinstein, Executive Director, Shadow World Investigations
  • Ara Marcen Naval, Head of Advocacy, Transparency International Defence & Security
  • Dan Sabbagh, Defence & Security Editor, The Guardian
  • B Arneson, Director, World Peace Foundation’s Arms Trade Programme (Moderator)

Register for the Zoom webinar here.

Register to attend in person here.

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