Labour leadership candidates reluctant to take a stand on arms trade issues

Where do the Labour leadership candidates stand on arms trade issues? Do they believe that the UK government should give financial and other support to arms exports? Would they act to redirect public funds from the promotion of arms exports to investment in renewable energy technologies? And how would they deal with private security companies? These were the questions that Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) directed to the five leadership contenders – Diane Abbott, Ed Balls, Andy Burnham, David Miliband and Ed Miliband.

To date, three of the five candidates have replied to CAAT’s questions. Two candidates – Ed Balls and Ed Miliband – have yet to comment.

Diane Abbott stated that she opposed government support and subsidy for the arms trade; that UK Trade & Investment Defence & Security Organisation should be closed; that export credit cover should not be used for military goods; and that private military and security companies should be licensed.

Andy Burnham had no firm views on the issues. On the question of UKTI DSO, he stated that the organisation should perform well for the taxpayer while posing no risk to to health and security at home and abroad. He would welcome questions on whether and how UKTI DSO should carry out its work. He said that he would welcome debate within the Labour Party on the other areas brought forward by CAAT.

Leading contender David Miliband did not answer CAAT’s specific questions. His policy team sent a four-paragraph statement which focused on Mr Miliband’s work as Foreign Secretary in the Brown government. It stated his continued support for the proposed Arms Trade Treaty and for the new Cluster Munition Ban. It also reiterated his support for continuing multinational nuclear disarmament.

As Foreign Secretary, David Miliband decided not to regulate the private security industry, despite calls to do so from the industry association and from NGOs. Media reports state that his leadership campaign received a donation from lobbyist Anthony Bailey, whose clients include arms company BAE Systems.

Sarah Waldron, CAAT’s Core Campaign Co-ordinator, said:

All the candidates for the Labour Party leadership have stated that they want to see the best economic and social outcomes for Britain, yet most seem willing to ignore the vital ethical, security and economic issues around the arms trade. David Miliband’s statement focuses on issues around the Arms Trade Treaty, which will not affect UK arms exports, and ignores the questions posed by CAAT. Andy Burnham is non-committal on all areas. Diane Abbott is the only candidate to respond and pledge an end to government support and subsidy for arms exports.

For further information please contact our Media Co-ordinator at media(at)caat·org·uk or on 020 7281 0297 or 07990 673232.

  1. Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) works for the reduction and ultimate abolition of the international arms trade together with progressive demilitarisation within arms producing countries. Around 80% of CAAT’s funding comes from individual supporters and CAAT is strictly non-violent in all its work.

  2. CAAT wrote to all the Labour leadership candidates in July-August 2010 with the following questions.

    Would you:

    • shut the Government’s arms export promotion unit, UK Trade & Investment’s Defence & Security Organisation, and not move it or its functions elsewhere?
    • stop all export credit cover for military goods?
    • redirect public funds from the promotion of arms exports to investment in renewable energy technologies?
    • prohibit corporate mercenaries, or private military and security companies as they prefer to be known, from combat and from providing training, strategic advice and other support for combat, and to make all other activities by these companies subject to individual licensing requirements?

    The full account of their responses can be found on the CAAT website. Ballots will be cast from 1 September and the winner announced on Saturday 25 September.

  3. UK Trade & Investment Defence & Security Organisation (UKTI DSO) is the government body that provides support for arms companies in their export-related activities. This includes promoting weapons sales worldwide, including to countries in conflict and regimes with a documented record of human rights abuse.

  4. While recognising that the proposed Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is a symbol of a widespread desire to stop the destruction wrought by the international arms trade, CAAT is critical of the ATT because, as envisaged by the government, it would do little to limit the sales of arms to repressive or abusive countries, to countries in conflict or to countries with urgent development needs, but would give arms sales a veneer of international legitimacy. Both the UK government and Aerospace, Defence and Security (ADS), the industry body, support the ATT and maintain that it will have no impact on UK arms exports.

  5. Private security companies, or corporate mercenaries, are playing an increasing role in conflicts around the world. CAAT has joined with other NGOs to call for proper and effective regulation by the UK government of such companies. Read more about the issue here.


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