CAAT: UK government approved the export of an unlimited quantity of crowd control equipment to Hong Kong

Pictures from the ground suggest UK-made CS Grenades are being used by the police against protesters,

The UK government approved the export of an unlimited quantity of crowd control equipment to Hong Kong.

Police in Hong Kong have used tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannon and batons to violently disperse protests opposing the new Extradition Bill. At least six people have been taken to hospital after inhaling tear gas.

Pictures from the ground suggest CS grenades, manufactured by the UK-based Chemring Group are being used by the police against protesters, Omega Research reports.

The UK government has granted a number of licences allowing the export of a wide range of crowd-control equipment, including CS hand grenades, anti-riot shields, body armour, and crowd control ammunition to Hong Kong.

The most recent licence was granted in December 2018 (the latest month for which data is available).

Sarah Waldron of Campaign Against Arms Trade said:

Jeremy Hunt talks of the need to preserve Hong Kong’s rights and freedoms, yet the UK has actively assisted the suppression of these freedoms through its supply of tear gas and other anti-protest weapons.

UK teargas was also used against Umbrella Movement democracy protesters in Hong Kong in 2014. Police used considerable amounts of tear gas to try to disperse protests calling for a free election for the Chief Executive of the territory. Images showed that at least some of the gas used was provided by UK arms company Chemring, which subsequently confirmed that it was a long term provider of tear gas to Hong Kong.

Prior to the 2014 protests, the UK government had granted seven licences for the export of tear gas to Hong Kong between the start of 2010 and January 2014 worth £180,000, as well as an Open Licence which allowed unlimited quantities to be exported.


For further information please contact CAAT at enquiries(at)caat·org·uk or call 020 7281 0297.


  1. The UK government has granted a number of licences allowing the export of a wide range of crowd-control equipment, including Open Licences which allow an unlimited quantity of specified equipment to be exported for 5 years.
  2. One Open Licence, granted in 2015, covers equipment including CS hand grenades, crowd control ammunition, tear gas/irritant ammunition, and tear gas/riot control agents; a second, granted in 2016, includes anti-riot/ballistic shields, and body armour.

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