Aero India 2017 confirmed its status as a premier aerospace event in Asia. This edition of the show saw participation from a total of 549 companies (270 Indian and 279 Foreign), 72 participating aircraft, covering an area of 27,678 sqm and witnessing participation from 51 different countries. (Aero India 2019 brochure)
UK presence: There was a UK Pavilion and a delegation that included:
- Air Marshal Stuart Evans, RAF, Deputy Air Commander, Allied Air Command
- Fleur Thomas, Director Export Policy, MOD
- Air Vice Marshal Nigel Maddox, Senior Military Adviser to the Defence and Security Organisation
- Sir Dominic Asquith KCMG, British High Commissioner to India
Exhibitor list: /pdf/AeroIndia2019_ExhibitorslistAll.pdf
Organiser: Defence Exhibition Organisation, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India