“These people are selling more guns from here?”

A building surrounded by fences and gates. Protesters are locked together outside the gates

The Shut Down H&K campaign pickets the Nottingham site every month and in 2010 shut it down for a day with a rooftop occupation

In Nottingham, Shut Down H&K picket their local arms company Heckler & Koch every month. Here they report on leafleting as people arrived at a conference at the church next door to the arms company’s industrial unit on Wed 26th September.

It was one of the best and most successful pickets so far with many, many leaflets given out to people attending the conference. Almost every car stopped to take a leaflet or two. As is usually the case when people learn of the filthy business conducted by Heckler & Koch on this ‘quiet little industrial estate’, most were clearly disturbed to find out.

A taxi driver parked next to us, praised us for doing what we are doing, and expressed his shock and disgust on learning of a gun manufacturer being there. He said ”There is far too much killing in the world as it is, and these people are selling more guns from here? I’m glad you people are here telling others about this. It’s all wrong, it’s all wrong.” He took a handful of flyers to hand around people he knew. As he drove away he was still shaking his head in disbelief.

This is why we carry on picketing. While the majority of the citizens of Nottingham know nothing about the existence of gun dealers and merchants of death and destruction on their doorstep, we must carry on doing it and bringing it to the attention of as many folks as possible.

Finally, we noticed on the way out that some very naughty person had spray-painted ‘H & K, Guns for Sale’ on the big sign at the entrance to the site. It was a bit runny and smudgy and certainly not of professional sign-writing standard, but then I expect it was done in a hurry, and far cheaper than a pro, but is no less effective for it. Well done whoever you are, it’s been a long time coming.

CAAT would not exist without its supporters. Each new supporter helps us strengthen our call for an end to the international arms trade.

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