Image of seven people, three in front four in back, in front of a court building, holding placards mostly saying "Not Guilty", one also saying "#StopDSEI", another saying "The arms trade is global, so is our resistance, #StopDSEI". Woman at front on left wearing a Palestinian scarf, raising clenched fist and cheering. Court building behind them.


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Time to Act: No War! No Warming!

In his book Capitalist Realism: Is There no Alternative? Mark Fisher sharply argues that when it comes to thinking about changing entrenched social norms and priorities our lives have become dominated by an attitude of resignation and fatalism. Fisher’s argument can be easily applied to mainstream discourses around climate change and


A New Vision of Security

The UK sells arms to over 100 countries across the globe, including manyabusive regimes, or those in conflict, even selling arms to both sides The official justification for the Government’s unquestioning support for the arms trade is that it is vital to safeguard “national security”. CAAT’s 


An uninvited guest at the arms dealers banquet Last week, we were there to challenge arms dealers gathered in London for a £246/head 'networking' dinner, where they were wining and dining 40 MPs and 60 senior civil servants, with the BBC's Jeremy Vine to entertain them with an after dinner speech. After making their way past protesters at the door,

CAAT would not exist without its supporters. Each new supporter helps us strengthen our call for an end to the international arms trade.

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