Image of seven people, three in front four in back, in front of a court building, holding placards mostly saying "Not Guilty", one also saying "#StopDSEI", another saying "The arms trade is global, so is our resistance, #StopDSEI". Woman at front on left wearing a Palestinian scarf, raising clenched fist and cheering. Court building behind them.


All the latest from Campaign Against Arms Trade, across the country and near you, including press releases, the CAAT Blog, articles from the CAAT News magazine, and info on local actions. Browse the full list, or filter by type or topic.


CAAT wins again !

Just a quick one to say how excited I am that CAAT and Corner house have won the court case last Friday :). The permission has now been granted to bring a full judicial review against the governments decision to cut short a Serious Fraud Office (SFO) investigation into alleged corruption by BAE Systems in

Press releases

Campaigners win landmark ruling on BAE-Saudi corruption case

The High Court has granted permission to Campaign Against Arms Trade and The Corner House to bring a judicial review hearing against the UK Government's decision to cut short a Serious Fraud Office investigation into alleged corruption by BAE Systems in recent arms deals with Saudi Arabia.

Press releases

Arms protesters line Abdullah’s route to Buckingham Palace

The Saudi dictator King Abdullah found the Mall lined by arms protesters as he travelled in ceremony to Buckingham Palace today. The demonstration, which was entirely peaceful, was organised by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) and included activist comedian Mark Thomas and human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell. CAAT believes that the influence

Press releases

Saudi dictator facing arms protest on way to Buckingham Palace

Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) has received police permission for a demonstration on the Mall as the Saudi dictator King Abdullah rides in ceremony towards Buckingham Palace tomorrow morning. Peaceful demonstrators including activist comedian Mark Thomas will assemble in the Mall at 11.15am to call for the reopening of a Serious Fraud Office investigation

Press releases

Arms companies in retreat as Liverpool votes to ditch shares

In a major demonstration of growing opposition to the arms trade, Liverpool City Council has voted unanimously in favour of pulling its pension fund out of arms investments. The Council has written to the Merseyside Pension Fund to call for a clean investment policy that rules out arms companies. This is the first time

CAAT would not exist without its supporters. Each new supporter helps us strengthen our call for an end to the international arms trade.

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