Image of seven people, three in front four in back, in front of a court building, holding placards mostly saying "Not Guilty", one also saying "#StopDSEI", another saying "The arms trade is global, so is our resistance, #StopDSEI". Woman at front on left wearing a Palestinian scarf, raising clenched fist and cheering. Court building behind them.


All the latest from Campaign Against Arms Trade, across the country and near you, including press releases, the CAAT Blog, articles from the CAAT News magazine, and info on local actions. Browse the full list, or filter by type or topic.

Press releases

Brown under pressure to take clear stance on BAE

The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) has called on the Prime Minister to end his silence on a High Court ruling on BAE Systems that took place nearly a week ago. The court ruled on 10th April that the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) had acted unlawfully by cutting short a corruption investigation into BAE’s



The name Blackwater first seriously entered the popular consciousness on September 17th 2007 when 17 Iraqi civilians were shot dead by Blackwater employees, working as ‘security contractors’, in an affluent neighbourhood of Baghdad. The Iraqi government’s investigation found that, contrary to the claims of the Blackwater corporation, the security contractors had not been attacked. A

Press releases

Court rules Government’s termination of BAE investigation unlawful

The High Court this morning ruled that the Director of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) acted unlawfully when he stopped a corruption investigation into BAE Systems’ arms deals with Saudi Arabia. The judgment was handed down by Lord Justice Moses and Mr Justice Sullivan in response to a judicial review brought by Campaign Against Arms

Press releases

Universities face day of student protests over arms links

Universities are under renewed pressure to end investment in the arms trade, with students planning a nationwide day of action tomorrow. Peaceful protests will take place simultaneously across the UK. At University College London (UCL), students dressed as arms dealers will attempt to sell fake weapons in the main quad. At Lancaster, students will join

Press releases

BAE blunders cost UK taxpayers over £2 billion

The arms company BAE Systems is so far over budget with two of its latest projects that they will cost UK taxpayers £2.2 billion more than expected. The figure is revealed in a report by the House of Commons Defence Select Committee, which looks at BAE’s contracts with the Ministry of Defence. The Committee

CAAT would not exist without its supporters. Each new supporter helps us strengthen our call for an end to the international arms trade.

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