Image of seven people, three in front four in back, in front of a court building, holding placards mostly saying "Not Guilty", one also saying "#StopDSEI", another saying "The arms trade is global, so is our resistance, #StopDSEI". Woman at front on left wearing a Palestinian scarf, raising clenched fist and cheering. Court building behind them.


All the latest from Campaign Against Arms Trade, across the country and near you, including press releases, the CAAT Blog, articles from the CAAT News magazine, and info on local actions. Browse the full list, or filter by type or topic.


Appellate Acrimony

On the 30th July the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords delivered their legal verdict on the Serious Fraud Office's decision to cancel the now famous corruption investigation into Saudi Arabia and BAE Systems. Having been present at the hearing, I had heard the very eloquent and erudite arguments put forth by CAAT and

Press releases

SFO wins appeal in BAE-Saudi case as public outrage continues

The Law Lords have this morning upheld an appeal by the Director of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) against the High Court’s ruling that he acted unlawfully in terminating a corruption investigation into BAE Systems’ arms deals with Saudi Arabia. The appeal followed a High Court judgment in April that the SFO,


House of Lords July ’08

On the 7th and 8th of July I went down to Parliament to watch CAAT and the Corner House return to court, this time for the Serious Fraud Office’s appeal hearing in the House of Lords. If you make it past security, agree to wear a little picture of yourself around your neck and meander

Press releases

CAAT and Corner House confident as appeal begins in Lords

The House of Lords will this week hear the Serious Fraud Office’s appeal against the High Court’s recent decision on a BAE corruption investigation. The appeal will begin at 10.00am tomorrow (Monday 7th July) and last for two days. The High Court ruled on 10th April that the Serious Fraud Office, acting on government advice,


The UK Arms Industry

When campaigning against the arms trade, I’ve always found it interesting how few people disagree with the moral case we’re making. Discounting those few rare souls who see the production of weaponry, in itself, as a morally worthy activity, the general opinion tends to be one of resigned acceptance. That there is a demand for


“Merchants of Death” guided tour.

London CAAT decided on a “Merchants of Death” walk as one part of our “Stop the Arms Trade Week”. Rather than a series of protests, this was a more sedate tour of Central London, with descriptions of certain companies thrown in. So thirteen of us met outside Victoria station and even had the sun

CAAT would not exist without its supporters. Each new supporter helps us strengthen our call for an end to the international arms trade.

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