Explore CAAT’s library of publications to learn more about and take action against the arms trade. These include reports, the CAAT News magazine, parliamentary submissions and more. You can browse all publications below, or filter by type, topic, year, and/or countries and companies covered in the contents.
Eight years of war
A briefing for supporters in the run-up to CAAT's Judicial Review hearing against arms sales to Saudi Arabia
Supporter Pack: Yemen War Anniversary Lobby Day 2022
A ‘how to’ guide for supporters ahead of CAAT’s lobby of Parliament for Yemen on 10th March 2022.
Seven Years of War
A briefing for supporters and MPs for CAAT's lobby of Parliament for Yemen on 10th March 2022
Made in Scotland
Made in Scotland: The deadly relationship fuelling the crisis in Yemen is the first in a research series uncovering the insidious role that Scotland plays within the UK's arms trade.