Local Groups and Contacts

Find out about local groups working near you

Last updated 16 January 2025

CAAT Groups and Contacts

Ayrshire CAAT Network

Contact: Arthur West
Email: [email protected]

Cumbria CAAT (James Cropper campaign)

Contact via: [email protected]

Edinburgh Campaign Against Arms Trade

Meet on the first Monday of every 2nd month online and in Edinburgh.
Contact: Jessie and Melanie
Facebook: Edinburgh Campaign Against Arms Trade
Email: [email protected]

Glasgow Campaign Against Arms Trade

Contact: Iona
Facebook: Glasgow CAAT
Email: [email protected]

Glasgow Against Arms and Fossil Fuels

Contact: Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities student group
Instagram: @GAAFMovement

Highlands and Islands CAAT

Contact: Bryn and Adrian
Email: highlands–[email protected]

London Campaign Against Arms Trade

Meets on third Tuesday of every month at 6.30pm via Zoom
Contact: Ian Pocock.
Facebook: London Campaign Against Arms Trade
Twitter: @LondonCAAT
Email: [email protected]

Norfolk Campaign Against Arms Trade

Facebook: Norwich and Norfolk CAAT group
Email: [email protected]

North East Scotland CND and Campaign Against Arms Trade

Contact: Jonathan
Facebook: North East Scotland CAAT and CND
Email: [email protected]

Three Counties CAAT (Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire)

Email: [email protected]

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Three-Counties-CAAT-109505690954382

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/723272421608588

Twitter: @CaatThree


Other CAAT local contacts

For other CAAT local contacts, please contact the office. If your CAAT group is not listed here, please let us know which contact details we should advertise.

Other local groups

In addition to the local groups listed above, CAAT works with the following local campaigns:

Stop SDSC – No to Telford Arms Fair


Stop the Arms Fair

Website: Home – Stop the Arms Fair

Greater Rushmoor Action for Peace

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GRAWantiwar/ Twitter: @ActionPeace_GR

Website (may be down): https://graw.org.uk/

Hastings Against War

Website: hastingsagainstwar.org

Newham Against the Arms Fair

Website: https://newhamagainstthearmsfair.org/

Notts Anti-Militarism

Website: nottsantimilitarism.wordpress.com

Smash EDO (Brighton)

Website: www.smashedo.org.uk
Email: [email protected]

CAAT would not exist without its supporters. Each new supporter helps us strengthen our call for an end to the international arms trade.

Keep in touch