Explore CAAT’s library of publications to learn more about and take action against the arms trade. These include reports, the CAAT News magazine, parliamentary submissions and more. You can browse all publications below, or filter by type, topic, year, and/or countries and companies covered in the contents.
From revolving door to open-plan office: the ever-closer union between the UK government and the arms industry
This report, published by Campaign Against Arms Trade and World Peace Foundation, details the ways in which the arms industry influences government policy, and how it has gained such a close relationship with government over the years that the lines between the two have been virtually erased.
Weaponising Universities: Research Collaborations between UK Universities and the Military Industrial Complex
This report discusses the deepening ties between universities in the UK and the arms industry and military research, which include arms industry-funded research on campus, dedicated research centres sponsored by the arms industry and/or the MOD and other parts of the UK security establishment, and other ties.
Annual Report: UK Arms Exports in 2022
An analysis of information, policy developments, and cases of concern relating to UK arms exports in 2022
Eight years of war
A briefing for supporters in the run-up to CAAT's Judicial Review hearing against arms sales to Saudi Arabia
UK arms exports in 2021
A report on UK arms exports in 2021, analysing all the publicly available sources of data.
A Very British Problem: the Evolution of Britain’s Militarised Policing Industrial Complex
Despite widespread myths that the British police are unarmed and govern through consent, paramilitary-style policing has a long and ugly history in the UK and across the British Empire. This report looks at the increasingly blurry line between the police and military and the role of the UK in militarised policing globally.
Seven Years of War
A briefing for supporters and MPs for CAAT's lobby of Parliament for Yemen on 10th March 2022
Open? The UK’s secret arms sales
The UK's secretive open licence system obscures the true level of the UK arms trade, and eases arms sales to repressive regimes and countries in conflict.
Business as Usual: how major weapons exporters arm the world’s conflicts
This report examines the arms export practices of the top 11 arms exporters worldwide in relation to countries involved in conflict. It finds that there is no evidence of conflict acting as an impediment to arms sales by any of the eleven countries.
Made in Scotland
Made in Scotland: The deadly relationship fuelling the crisis in Yemen is the first in a research series uncovering the insidious role that Scotland plays within the UK's arms trade.
People Not War
When we say People Not War, we mean people over profit, over hyper-capitalist pursuits and gains that oppress and kill. We mean prioritise our lives over looting the earth and its resources, exploiting workers, the marginalised, those living in Global South countries.
Fighting the Wrong Battles
A move from militarism and the arms trade towards tackling climate change would create more jobs and increase human security